Chào mừng mọi người đến với series Cùng nhau học từ vựng Toeic 990 Kikutan.
Kikutan là phương pháp học qua nghe Audio, việc nghe sẽ giúp tăng khả năng ghi nhớ từ vựng tốt hơn.
Bước 1: Hãy nghe audio qua 1 lần và cố gắng note được nhiều từ vựng càng tốt
Bước 2: Nghe lần 2 với script nào!
激しい | fierce | There is fierce competition among international companies to increase market share.(市場占有率を増やそうとする国際企業間の激しい競争がある) |
湿気の多い | humid | Japan is hot and humid in summer.(日本の夏は暑くて湿気が多い) |
とんでもない | outrageous | It is outrageous that Wall Street executives got more than $18 billion in bonuses.(アメリカ金融界の経営幹部らが180億ドルを超えるボーナスを得ていたとはとんでもないことだ) |
最高の | premier | We stayed at one of the city’s premier hotels.(私たちはその都市の最高級ホテルの1つに泊まった) |
才能のある | talented | Stephen King is one of the most talented living authors.(スティーブン・キングは最も才能のある存命の作家の1人だ) |
熱心な | avid | My uncle is an avid golfer.(私のおじは熱心なゴルファーだ) |
興味をそそる | intriguing | I found his story intriguing.(私は彼の話を興味深いと思った) |
精通している | knowledgeable | Mike is very knowledgeable about the area.(マイクはその地域にとても精通している) |
長ったらしい | lengthy | Today’s meeting was quite lengthy.(今日の会議はかなり長かった) |
軽い | lightweight | A lightweight computer is easy to carry.(軽いコンピューターは持ち運びが楽だ) |
誤解を招きかねない | misleading | You must avoid using misleading information.(誤解を招きかねない情報の使用は避けなければならない) |
実地の | on-the-job | A minimum of one year of on-the-job experience is required.(最低1年の実地の職業経験が要求される) 求人広告の表現 |
時代遅れの | outdated | Some of his ideas are outdated.(彼の考えの中には時代遅れのものもある) |
絵のように美しい | picturesque | The hotel is located in a picturesque village.(そのホテルは絵のように美しい村にある) |
停滞した | stagnant | Our sales have been stagnant for the past six months.(当社の売り上げはこの6カ月間低迷している) |
懸命な | strenuous | She made strenuous efforts to achieve her goal.(彼女は目標を達成するために懸命に努力した) |
Bước 3: Cuối cùng cùng ôn tập những từ vựng đã học
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