Chào mừng mọi người đến với series Cùng nhau học từ vựng Toeic 990 Kikutan.
Kikutan là phương pháp học qua nghe Audio, việc nghe sẽ giúp tăng khả năng ghi nhớ từ vựng tốt hơn.
Bước 1: Hãy nghe audio qua 1 lần và cố gắng note được nhiều từ vựng càng tốt
Bước 2: Nghe lần 2 với script nào!
Tiếng Nhật | Tiếng Anh | Câu ví dụ |
~を定期購読する | subscribe to | What magazines do you subscribe to?(どんな雑誌を定期購読していますか?) |
~に入学する | enroll in | She enrolled in Columbia University last year.(彼女は去年、コロンビア大学に入学した) |
~を配る | hand out | The man is handing out leaflets.(男性はちらしを配っている) |
~に従う | conform to | All employees must conform to certain ethical and legal standards.(全従業員は定められた倫理規範および法定基準に従わなければならない) |
~を厳守する | adhere to | Employees must adhere to company rules.(従業員は社則を厳守しなければならない) |
~と合併する | merge with | In 1998, Daimler-Benz merged with Chrysler to form Daimler Chrysler.(1998年にダイムラーベンツはクライスラーと合併して、ダイムラークライスラーとなった) |
~と交流する | interact with | Many working parents don’t have enough time to interact with their children.(多くの共働きの親は子どもと触れ合う時間が十分にない) |
~から生じる | originate in | The Internet originated in the United States.(インターネットはアメリカから始まった) |
~を配る | pass out | The woman is passing out fliers.(女性はちらしを配っている) |
辞任する | step down | He will step down as CEO of the company.(彼はその会社のCEOを辞任する予定だ) |
~を中止する | call off | The competition was called off due to heavy rain.(その競技会は豪雨のため中止になった) |
~に住む | reside in | My family currently resides in San Francisco.(私の家族は現在サンフランシスコに住んでいる) |
車を片側に寄せる | pull over | Please pull over in front of the bank.(その銀行の前に車を止めてください) |
~を作成する | draw up | Have you drawn up the contract?(契約書を作成しましたか?) |
~を終える | wrap up | I hope to wrap up the rest of the work within the next month.(私はその仕事の残りを来月中に終えたいと思っている) |
~に移る | move on to | Let’s move on to the next item on the agenda.(議題の次の項目に移りましょう) |
Bước 3: Cuối cùng cùng ôn tập những từ vựng đã học
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