Chào mừng mọi người đến với series Cùng nhau học từ vựng Toeic 990 Kikutan.
Kikutan là phương pháp học qua nghe Audio, việc nghe sẽ giúp tăng khả năng ghi nhớ từ vựng tốt hơn.
Bước 1: Hãy nghe audio qua 1 lần và cố gắng note được nhiều từ vựng càng tốt
Bước 2: Nghe lần 2 với script nào!
Tiếng Nhật | Tiếng Anh | Câu ví dụ |
~を減らす | cut down | We must cut down production costs to stay competitive.(我が社は競争力を維持し続けるために製造コストを削減しなければならない) |
~に戻る | revert to | He has reverted to his old bad eating habits.(彼は以前の悪い食習慣に戻ってしまった) |
~と衝突する | collide with | The car collided with a utility pole.(その車は電柱に衝突した) |
~を除外する | rule out | Syria has ruled out the resumption of peace talks with Israel.(シリアはイスラエルとの和平交渉の再開を拒否した) |
~に入札する | bid for | Five contractors have bid for the project.(5つの建設業者がそのプロジェクトに入札した) |
~を繰り越す | carry over | Employees can carry over up to 160 hours of unused paid vacation to the next year.(従業員は未消化の有給休暇を160時間まで次年度へ繰り越すことができる) |
~の代理をする | fill in for | Linda filled in for Jack while he was on vacation.(ジャックが休暇中、リンダが彼の代理をした) |
~と闘う | struggle with | The company has been struggling with high energy and labor costs.(その会社は高いエネルギー費と人件費に苦労している) |
~を好転させる | turn around | The new CEO turned the company around in a year.(新CEOは1年でその会社を立て直した) |
~と話をする | converse with | Teachers should have more opportunities to converse with their students.(教師たちは生徒たちと話をする機会をもっと持つべきだ) |
~に似合う | go with | What kind of bag goes with this dress?(どんなバッグがこのドレスに似合うかしら?) |
~と交渉する | bargain with | Unions bargained with employers for regular wage increases.(各労働組合は定期昇給を求めて雇用側と交渉した) |
~を市場に出す | bring out | Apple brought out the first PC in the mid-70s.(アップル社は70年代中盤に最初のパソコンを市場に出した) |
~に参加する | go in for | Are you planning to go in for the competition?(その競技会に参加するつもりですか?) |
~を調査する | inquire into | The police inquired into the suspect’s background.(警察は容疑者の経歴を調査した) |
~を目指して努力する | strive for | We have been striving for success.(私たちは成功を目指して努力している) |
Bước 3: Cuối cùng cùng ôn tập những từ vựng đã học
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